QQ App Reviews

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nice update

Its better than before but still behind Windows client

where is 4.0.3

the download version from qq website for mac has been updated to 4.0.3, why not show this version in app store? was there any technical difficult?

hate it

I am really not into the QQ. It’s sort of garbage. Noisy, ads and occupy too much storage on my computer. And I even cannot delete the app entirely and it leaks our private information to others. WTF!!!


这次新的更新有点向Windows版的QQ靠拢了,截图什么的那些功能都提升了,很不错很满足… 但是有一个地方你们删除了,不晓得是刻意为之还是不小心弄没了 就是对指定好友隐身可见的那个功能,本来在通讯录里右键他们就有那个选项—appear online to this contact 但是现在的版本把这个功能取消了... 我还蛮惋惜的 希望尽快恢复这个功能吧... 非常期待。 感谢。


我这咋都启动不起来了。咋会是啊到底。 webqq也不能用。。到底咋会是??? 下面是错误报告 Process: QQ [365] Path: /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ Identifier: com.tencent.qq Version: 1.1.1 (1.1.1) App Item ID: 451108668 App External ID: 3949565 Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [111] Date/Time: 2011-08-12 05:20:10.024 +0900 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) Report Version: 6 Interval Since Last Report: 27253 sec Crashes Since Last Report: 7 Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 110 sec Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 1 Anonymous UUID: F82689A7-0A18-4EE6-B28F-623045FD289F Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Application Specific Information: abort() called Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91c7a0ee __semwait_signal_nocancel + 10 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91c79fd2 nanosleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 166 2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91cf4fb2 usleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 61 3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91d166f0 abort + 105 4 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x964cffba __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() + 433 5 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x964ce15a __cxxabiv1::__terminate(void (*)()) + 10 6 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x964ce19a __cxxabiv1::__unexpected(void (*)()) + 0 7 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x964ce298 __gxx_exception_cleanup(_Unwind_Reason_Code, _Unwind_Exception*) + 0 8 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x964ce638 operator new(unsigned long) + 101 9 com.tencent.Common 0x01a2f0de std::vector<CSector*, std::allocator<CSector*> >::_M_insert_aux(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<CSector**, std::vector<CSector*, std::allocator<CSector*> > >, CSector* const&) + 164 10 com.tencent.Common 0x01a2f174 std::vector<CSector*, std::allocator<CSector*> >::push_back(CSector* const&) + 54 11 com.tencent.Common 0x01a2e92f CSectorChain::Push(int, void const*, int) + 71 12 com.tencent.Common 0x01a2fa30 CSSAT::GetSectorChain(int, CSectorChain**, int) + 120 13 com.tencent.Common 0x01a31819 CStream::Open() + 201 14 com.tencent.Common 0x01a27b50 CDirectoryManager::OpenStream(CStorage*, wchar_t const*, CStream**) + 118 15 com.tencent.Common 0x01a307a1 CStorage::OpenStream(wchar_t const*, CStream**) + 109 16 com.tencent.Common 0x01a21f40 CCDFileSystem::OpenStream(CTXStringW, int) + 310 17 com.tencent.Common 0x01a22166 CCDFileSystem::CopyFileToTemp(wchar_t*, wchar_t*) + 264 18 com.tencent.Common 0x019670c3 CTXFileSystemMgr::ConvertToPureFile(wchar_t const*) + 959 19 com.tencent.Common 0x01961e2e FS::ConvertToPureFile(wchar_t const*) + 34 20 com.tencent.qq 0x00275522 +[MQFaceSupport transToFileSystem:] + 53 21 com.tencent.qq 0x0027534d +[MQFaceSupport NSStringTransToFileSystem:] + 117 22 com.tencent.qq 0x00274010 -[MQFaceUnit transCustomToPureFile] + 83 23 com.tencent.qq 0x002743b0 -[MQFaceUnit initWithCoder:] + 250 24 com.apple.Foundation 0x9017565b _decodeObject_old + 258 25 com.apple.Foundation 0x901751ee _decodeValueOfObjCType + 1016 26 com.apple.Foundation 0x901d26f1 -[NSUnarchiver decodeValueOfObjCType:at:] + 66 27 com.apple.Foundation 0x9014e212 -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 359 28 com.apple.Foundation 0x9017565b _decodeObject_old + 258 29 com.apple.Foundation 0x901d25f2 +[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:] + 89 30 com.tencent.qq 0x00273e15 -[MQFaceSupport loadHistoryStack] + 270 31 com.tencent.qq 0x00273c25 -[MQFaceSupport init] + 64 32 com.tencent.qq 0x00273fb1 +[MQFaceSupport shareInstance] + 56 33 com.tencent.qq 0x001f8cce CCmdIM::OnLoginOK(ITXData*) + 368 34 com.tencent.IMDll 0x0253e783 CTXIM::OnLoginResult(int, ITXData*) + 2079 35 com.tencent.IMDll 0x0254580f CTXLogin::Step0_LoginOK(ITXData*) + 217 36 com.tencent.IMDll 0x0254a3fa CTXLogin::Step10_Login_Reply(ITXData*, ITXData*) + 1754 37 com.tencent.IMDll 0x0254dcbc CTXLogin::OnRecvReply(ITXData*, ITXData*) + 290 38 com.tencent.IMDll 0x026beae2 CTXCSProcessor::RecvSendEcho(tagCsKey&, int, unsigned short, int*) + 1212 39 com.tencent.IMDll 0x026bef9e CTXCSProcessor::OnRecvDataInternal(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned short, int, unsigned char const*, int*) + 1144 40 com.tencent.IMDll 0x026bf4d2 CTXCSProcessor::OnRecvData(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned short, int, unsigned char const*, int*) + 126 41 com.tencent.Common 0x019f996f CTXUDPChannel::OnUDPRecv(wchar_t*, wchar_t*, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned char const*, int*) + 203 42 com.tencent.Common 0x019b3373 CTXUDPSinkMgr::SafeCall_OnUDPRecv(wchar_t*, wchar_t*, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned char const*, int*) const + 137 43 com.tencent.Common 0x019b1475 CNativeUDP::RecvCallBack(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, unsigned short, int, unsigned char const*) + 267 44 com.tencent.Common 0x019b1713 CNativeUDP::OnReceive(int) + 627 45 com.tencent.Common 0x019a7b0d CTXAsyncSocket::DoCallBack(unsigned int, long) + 395 46 com.tencent.Common 0x019a7c51 CTXAsyncSocket::ProcessAuxQueue() + 175 47 com.tencent.Common 0x019a7db7 CTXSocketWnd::_WndProc(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, long) + 73 48 com.tencent.Common 0x019a244d DispatchMessage + 18 49 com.tencent.Common 0x019a2990 RunLoopMsg() + 20 50 com.tencent.Common 0x019a2eb6 macsocketCallback(__CFSocket*, unsigned long, __CFData const*, void const*, void



This is beta version

内测版就往App Store上放? This is a beta testing version. The app itself claims it will be expired on 28 Feb.


日々愛用していますが、Do not install this version?ってどういう意味?

Why the international version is 3.0.1 ???

It does not have language translation feature!!!

not good job

while can use translation service in windows version, you cant do it here on mac it is a big shame. please make it asap to make nice chat client more perfect.

capture application trouble in maverics

After updating os to 10.9 capture application in qq became unstable, it just snaps to app windows,but doesnt allow to make custom sized capture area

video doenst work!

good app, but video chat doenst work! it says: too low version of the program... !?!??!?!

video call

in order to have video call with others they shall update their version up to the last one


non funziona, perché ??????????


shit,lost my message

terrible compare to windows version.

terrible compare to windows version. a lof of features have been removed.

Can only login with qq mobile!

I cannot login the Mac qq. It always says”mobile protection enable…”. However when I turn to my mobile qq, the mobile qq app says you have to update the app. OK, now I update my mobile qq in iPhone 6, the app crashs and I cannot use it any more since then. This is the most stupid app design I’ve ever used! It’s a pure joke!

Can really use an update.

Please update. Please enable Micro Cloud functionality. Thank you. (P.S. - Please update Micro Cloud with an English User Interface, so I can more easily collaborate with Chinese colleagues.)

Great app

Great update worth a five star, elegant & delightful. I just don’t know why it’s low rated. After all it’s free :-)

Does not like it, would like to switch to others, the only reason to stay is because my friends

Using too much battery power compare to using other applications on the browser, updating a lot, never had a full perfect version. Updating three times per two weeks. garbage. ps. the gif function is broken again in the latest update.

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